Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ray's foray into SAT blogging nerdom.


If you're visiting this website, you're probably one of my students. Well, if you are, congratulations! You've made it here before you succumbed to the temptations of whatever it is you do when you don't study.

Now that you're here, you may be wondering why I made a blog about the SAT writing section when there are so many other less noble activities I can kill the day with. To answer your question, I made this blog so that I can

(1) answer questions that I often get from you guys,
(2) upload homework assignments,
(3) give you tips on the essay section,
(4) (try to) put up funny or interesting stuff that is relevant to the SAT, and
(5) instill an appreciation for the English language in general by showing you cool things.

Don't be intimidated by my boundless enthusiasm. I hope I can make your path to academic success as painless as possible. I'll respond to your questions with great alacrity and shower you with as much encouragement as that sarcastic voice in my head would allow J. The rest is up to you.

Raymond Chuang

P.S. Please let me know if anything I write in this blog is plainly wrong. I'll try to stay as grammatically correct as I can, but I gotta be somewhat informal. So, please don't go all schoolteacher-with-her-sharpie-ready on me either, yeah?

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